During a Youtube show called Game Grumps, Grant Kirkhope, the composer for classic Rare games such as Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark, mentioned that he dreams of reuniting former Rare employees under a new company and obtaining the rights to Banjo Kazooie. Here's the specific quote, which I first saw on GenGame:
"I keep wishing that all the ex-Rare staffers would just get together and form a company, and go to Nintendo and say ‘give us the money. We’ll make you Banjo 3 for the Wii U’ or whatever…Just make Banjo 3 like it should have been made back then and it would be great, and it would be great on Wii U, and all the ex-Rare guys would be together again all happy and kissing each other… I just keep thinking we should just give it a try."
For whatever reason, this hypothetical endeavor reminds me of the legal battle between Nintendo and Atari over Tetris. Atari got the license to make Tetris for computers and assumed that video game consoles were included in their license. Nintendo, however, managed to get a second license exclusively for video game consoles, and a lengthy series of lawsuits between Atari and Nintendo ensued.
Anyway, what I'm getting to is that the people from those days at Nintendo were really crafty. They knew that Tetris was an awesome game, and they went to great and expensive lengths to obtain the Tetris license. The payoff was the massive success of the GameBoy (which had Tetris as a pack-in game).
I can't help but think that if you put the people who obtained the Tetris license in this situation, they would see the profits that "neo-Rare" could bring in with a popular Rare IP. The IP itself is just needed to catch people's attention, but after that, they could potentially make some new games exclusively for Nintendo consoles.
Having said all of that, "neo-Rare" doesn't exist yet, as far as I know anyway. But who knows what the future holds? Perhaps Grant Kirkhope's comments will reach far and wide, entering the eyes and ears of all former Rare employees. One can only hope.
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