Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Wind Waker: First Impressions

As a few of you know, I never had a gamecube. Verily, I skipped right from N64 to Wii due to my losing interest in video games for a time. However, thanks to backward compatibility, I'm able to play a few of those gamecube titles that I missed.

One of those titles is The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. On the Zelda forums, I had heard some bad things about The Wind Waker, and honestly had pretty low expectations as I stuck the game into my Wii. However, I was pleasantly surprised at the game's colorful atmosphere. Then, I was a little disappointed by some of the cartoony happenings (Link walking with a barrel for camouflage).

Anyway, after finishing the Forsaken Fortress, I arrived on Windfall Island for the first time. Now this is a good town. For Zelda standards, it's densely populated and there is a lot going on. It's like something out of Majora's Mask. I want to explore this area, as well as play a few more games of Battleship! lol.

So, while I wish they'd keep the action at least semi-realistic, I'm pretty impressed with The Wind Waker so far. I need to get a gamecube memory card so I can play more of the game though. Tomorrow I suppose..

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